28TH April 2018 sees the final performance of the 1989 album BLUE by BFG
What could be a more fitting way to wave goodbye to the album than apperaing at this years Gotham Sounds Festival in Hilden Germany alongside Snake Corps and Socierty.
Future gigs will be announced upon completion of the forthcoming album ‘Pulling Wings From Butterflies’ due later this year.
BFG stage time is 22:00
Nice coverage of the festival here
On April 28th and 29th, the curtain will be on for the sixth time in the Area 51 in Hilden for the Gotham Sounds Festival ; a two-day event in which the creators present a balanced mix of established and young talents. Also in 2018 there will be four bands per evening on stage; this time sonorous names like The Sky Over Berlin, BFG or The Society!
Between the performances, there is also the opportunity to browse through the displays of various clothing and accessories suppliers or to drink with the drinks at the in-house tap or food of a mobile fast food.
Since this festival is to be regarded as a true family meeting, there is certainly enough time for one or the other exchange.And those who have not had enough after the live performances of the groups can let off steam on the dance floor of the after-shows.
What musical delights does the festival offer in 2018? Here is a short outline in alphabetical order:
If someone had prophesied to me in the last ten years that I would live to see the British band BFG live – I would have mercilessly laughed at him. At the end of the eighties the group was more than just a little insider tip with its Joy Division influenced songs like Paris and Amelia . Soon, their sound shifted towards indie rock, making songs like Western Sky appearbefore BFG disappeared from the scene. Now they are back and all visitors can not only look forward to the mentioned classics, but even hope for new songs from the planned album. Nice that you can experience something like this at the Gotham Sounds Festival!
Also this year, a band from faraway Canada will travel to the Gotham Sounds Festival. It is the less well-known band Cockatoo, which is dedicated to a rather dark and spherical gothic rock. Songs like Drum Song or Tidal Waves are strongly influenced by the charismatic vocals of the vocalist / bassist Robyn Bright and thus alone the Hildener Festival in Area 51 will be treated like a colorful swab in eternal black. Also, I’m pretty sure Cockatoo will pretty much increase their fanbase!
The sky over Berlin
The Italian band The Sky over Berlin has long been on my personal wish list for live performances. What has unfortunately been granted to me is now becoming reality at the Gotham Sounds Festival. The very young band certainly not only inspired me with their releases like the EP Emesys , which, like all other outpourings , presents a flawless post-punk of the finest kind and with tracks like the gloomy My Rubber Queen or the danceable Sweet Dancing Butterfly from the current Amnesia are rushed into the black heart. The anticipation for the southern European quartet is really great!
The Sky Over Berlin – Memories Never Fade
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La Scaltra
The angelic vocals of Aeleth and Dae from the German band La Scaltra have been on everyone’s lips since the Dark Skies Over Witten Festival in 2016 and with their partly danceable, partly dreamy gothic-rock, which always features electrical elements a real asset to the scene. I think that the songs Neverland and the lovely Cantate should be known to all guests and can be celebrated accordingly. A treat for the ears and eyes is definitely part of the Gotham Sounds Festival with La Scaltra!
Apart from La Scaltra’s only German representative at this year’s Gotham Sounds Festival, Melanculia is none other than a side project of the well-known Gothic rock band Aeon Sable. Thus, the arriving viewers with Nino Sable can expect a familiar voice – but not the classic dark sound. Melanculia make a variable indie rock that mixes a variety of music styles and refines them with a slightly melancholy note. Unfortunately, like Spider Dance or The Dazed Prophet, with its slightly psychedelic features, are not only a different option on the Gotham Sounds but a refreshing addition to this year’s lineup!
Tanks And Tears
The Italian trio knows how to beat the listeners with a healthy mix of modern rock and the wonderful symbioses of the eighties like Dark Wave or Wave Rock. Partly melodic as in their track Butterfly of last year’s work Aware or also rough with post-punk underscored snippets like in Inca – Tanks And Tears are a very interesting and talented continuation of our beloved and cherished dark genre! And I’m really looking forward to the almost epic song Life Is A Show – let’s goth … !
The Society
There is nothing worse than an eternal lawsuit over the band name. This happened to the blissful The Danse Society, one of the pioneering British bands of the dark-wave and post-punk scene in their early days. The highlight was the curiosity to see two bands acting with the same name – once with female and once with male vocals. The latter spin-off of the original has now made a change to the simple The Society. Under this name, viewers at the Gotham Sounds Festival may look forward to classics such as We’re So Happy or My Heart, as well as recent releases such as the punchy track Message In The Wind . A more than exciting thing, as I think – alone worth the journey to Hilden!
The Snake Corps
The band The Snake Corps are a reincarnation of the well-known and revered wave rock band Sad Lovers And Giants. They created in the late decade of the eighties with three studio albums more mainstream-oriented indie rock songs like Strangersor Calling You but without ignoring their post-punk roots completely. After an end to the British band found in the early 90s, they started back after a few previous gigs now for over two years and even presented brand new songs. Since they played songs of their predecessor band in their early days, visitors to the Gotham Sound Festival can also hope for anthems by Sad Lovers And Giants such as Things We Never Did or the classic Imagination . That would be an incredibly nice addition!
It is to be hoped that the ever-increasing numbers of viewers confirm and that this year’s Gotham Sounds Festival can once again offer unforgotten hours. But I’m pretty sure – so come by in Hilden!
Organizer: Website
Organizer: Facebook
BFG: Band Website
COCKATOO: Band Facebook
LA SCALTRA: Band Website
MELANCULIA: Band Website
TANKS AND TEARS: Band Facebook
THE SOCIETY: Band Website